Best practices for using Growave's Reviews app

Encouraging customers to leave reviews is a powerful way to build trust, improve your online reputation, and drive sales. Growave’s Reviews app offers a suite of features designed to help you collect, manage, and showcase reviews effectively. By following these best practices and leveraging Growave’s features, you can maximize the impact of your review request emails.

Collect reviews strategically

Set the right timing for review requests

In the Growave admin panel, navigate to Reviews → Settings → General → Manage reviews and select when to send review requests:

  • After fulfillment: This is ideal for physical products. Customers are more likely to provide meaningful feedback once they’ve received their purchase.
  • After payment: This option works well for digital products, services, or pre-orders, where fulfillment isn’t tied to shipping.
  • After order is delivered: Recommended for situations where tracking confirms the customer has received their order. This option is particularly useful for businesses relying on delivery services to ensure customers have had the chance to interact with the product before providing feedback.

Growave - Reviews - Manage Reviews - Send review request

Follow up thoughtfully

If a customer hasn’t responded to the initial review request, consider enabling up to two reminders to increase the chances of receiving feedback. To do that, go to ReviewsNotifications and use the toggle buttons to enable or disable notifications:

Growave Reviews - Notifications

In this section, you can also track notification performance for the last 30 days. More data about Reviews are available in AnalyticsReviews. See details in the Monitoring section below.

You can set the timing for the initial review request and two reminder emails separately. Growave automatically stops sending reminders once a review is submitted.

Growave - Reviews - Notifications - Edit email timing

📖 View this guide on automating review requests with Growave

Focus on verified reviews

Go to ReviewsSettingsGeneralCollect Reviews and enable the Allow reviews only from verified buyers setting to ensure only customers who’ve purchased the product can leave reviews. These reviews have a "Verified buyer" badge and are more trustworthy and credible, which can significantly impact customer purchasing decisions.

When enabled, you'll see an option to set a limit on how many reviews a verified buyer can leave for the same product. For more details, check out the article how to limit reviews per product.

Growave - Reviews - General tab - Allow review from verified buyers - limit reviews

Exclude specific products

If certain products don’t need reviews (such as free samples or discontinued items), assign them with tags in the Shopify product pages:

Then use these tags in the Product exclusion setting. This prevents unnecessary review requests.

Go to ReviewsSettingsGeneralCollect reviews section → enable Product exclusion tags and add tags:

Personalize and incentivize review requests

Customize review request emails

Tailor the default text of the review request and reminder emails to reflect your brand voice. Go to ReviewsNotifications → click the notification title and scroll to the email content editor.

Highlight the value of customer feedback, and if applicable, mention any incentives for leaving a review. For example, include a reward message if you’ve enabled the Post a product review reward in the Rewards app. Personalized and incentive-based emails often yield higher response rates.

📖 Learn how to reward customers for reviews

Growave - Reviews - Notifications - Edit content

Add a custom email address

Use a custom sender email and name in review requests to reinforce brand authenticity. Customers are more likely to engage with emails from a recognizable source.

Go to SettingsGeneral → add your email in the Custom email domain section and click Setup.

📖 Follow this detailed setup guide to use your own domain for emails

NOTE: This feature is available starting from the Growth plan.

Growave - Settings - Custom email domain

Optimize review collection for better insights

Expand review data with Attributes

Use Growave’s Attributes feature to collect additional information in reviews. For example, you can ask customers about their favorite product features or demographics. This data provides valuable insights for product improvement and marketing strategies.

📖 Follow this guide to enhance the Reviews app with the Attributes feature

NOTE: The Attributes feature is available for Growave 2.0 users starting from the Growth plan.

Require titles for reviews

Enable the Require review titles option to encourage customers to summarize their experience. Titles make reviews easier to skim and more compelling to potential buyers.

Go to ReviewsSettingsGeneralCollect reviews section → enable Require customers to add titles to reviews:

Growave - Reviews - Settings - Require customers to add review title

Build trust with authentic reviews

Auto-publish reviews selectively

While enabling Automatically publish reviews can save time, it’s a good practice to review feedback before it goes live to ensure only authentic reviews are displayed on your site. With this setting, you can:

  • Automatically publish reviews that meet a specific rating threshold.
  • Specify a time frame (up to 14 days) after which all new reviews will be published automatically if no action is taken.

NOTE: According to Shopify’s rules, all new reviews will be automatically published after 14 days.

Go to ReviewsSettingsGeneralManage reviews section → enable Automatically publish reviews:

Growave - Reviews - Automatically publish Reviews

Group similar products

Use the Product groups feature to share reviews across similar or identical products listed on different Shopify product pages. This ensures every product benefits from valuable feedback, even if listed separately.

📖 Learn how to use product grouping

Go to ReviewsSettingsGeneralManage reviews section → select Enable product groups and add tags:

Growave - Reviews - Manage Reviews - Product groups

Increase visibility and engagement

Receive notifications about new reviews

Stay on top of incoming reviews by enabling New review notification emails. Prompt responses to reviews — whether thanking customers for positive feedback or addressing concerns — show that you value customer input.

Go to ReviewsSettingsGeneralManage reviews section → enable Get notified when customers submit reviews:

Growave - Reviews - Settings - Get notified when customers submit reviews

To leave a response to a review, go to ReviewsManage reviews → click Reply:

Growave - Reviews - manage reviews - reply

Use Questions & Answers feature

Growave’s Q&A feature integrates with Reviews. Answering customer questions not only improves conversions but also boosts SEO rankings by incorporating relevant keywords into your product pages.

📖 Learn how to set up and use the Q&A feature

NOTE: The Questions & Answers feature is available starting from the Entry plan.

Go to ReviewsSettingsQuestions & Answers → click Enable:

Growave - Reviews - Settings - Questions & Answers

Translate reviews for a global audience

If your store caters to international customers, use Growave’s review translation feature (connect DeepL or Google Translate) to translate reviews into multiple languages. This ensures all customers can engage with and benefit from feedback.

📖 Follow this guide to connect DeeL or Google Translate via API

Go to ReviewsSettingsGeneralManage reviews section → in the Translate product reviews feature select DeepL or Google Translate and enter the API key:

Growave - Reviews - Translate product reviews

Monitor campaign performance

Periodically check how your review requests are performing using the Reviews Analytics section, which provides insights into your review collection efforts:

Growave Reviews analytics

  • Customizable time range: Adjust the analytics view to focus on a specific period to better understand trends and performance over time.
  • Review requests sent: Monitor the total number of review requests sent during the selected period, including how many were sent to customers who accepted marketing communications.
  • Reviews collected: View the number of reviews received and the conversion rate from orders to reviews.
  • Star rating distribution: Analyze the breakdown of customer ratings from reviews submitted.

Under the main section, you'll find two detailed tables for further review tracking:

  1. Review requests scheduled: Displays information about upcoming scheduled review requests, including customer details, order information, request type, and the scheduled date (UTC).
  2. Review requests sent: Provides an overview of sent review requests, showing customer details, request type, date and time sent, and channel (Growave or other apps like Klaviyo, if integration with a third-party platform is enabled).

With this data, you can evaluate the success of your review campaigns and refine your strategies to maximize customer engagement.

By aligning your review management strategy with Growave’s robust features, you can create a seamless customer experience and effectively gather valuable feedback that benefits your business.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to contact us at or via the chat icon in the bottom-right corner. We're here to help! 🤗