Increase customer engagement with the help of Wishlist

Wishlist icon on a collection/home page is available on Entry, Growth, and Plus plans.

Make the wishlist more accessible to your customers by allowing them to save loved items directly from your Collections page. 

A wishlist app on the collections/home page enhances customer engagement by: 

  • Allowing customers to express their desires and discover popular products 
  • Encouraging return visits to the shop through saved products
  • Reducing cart abandonment rates by providing easy access to saved items 
  • Improving shopping experience, leading to higher customer satisfaction, loyalty, and positive reviews

How to add a wishlist icon on a collection/home page?

If you have coding skills, use the following snippet: 

 {% capture the_snippet_fave_icon %}{% render 'ssw-widget-faveicon' with %}{% endcapture %}
      {% unless the_snippet_fave_icon contains 'Liquid error' %}
        {{ the_snippet_fave_icon }}
      {% endunless %}

Go to Shopify→Themes→Select a theme→click on ‘Edit code’:

Insert the snippet: 

NOTE: Kindly note that the file to insert the snippet may differ depending on the Shopify Theme. 

In case you need help with the integration of the wishlist on the Collections/Home pages, feel free to leave a request at or by chat icon in the bottom-right corner. Our support team will gladly help you 🤗

By enhancing the shopping experience, the wishlist app becomes a powerful tool for boosting engagement and driving conversions!