Rewards for posting a product review

We all want to be rewarded for everything we do. This also applies to customers who leave reviews on your site and help you to increase sales. Here in Growave, it can be done using our Loyalty & Rewards program.

NOTE: Customers may get a reward for leaving both site and product reviews on the shop. The reward will be given once the review is published.

Getting started

Once you enable the Points program, you can choose actions you want to reward. And Post a product review is luckily one of them:

As you can see above, this action could be set up the way you want:

  • Create a suitable name for this action
  • Choose any description
  • Choose the reward type: points, gift card, discounts (percentage, fixed amount, or free shipping), or free product.
  • Set a delay reward
  • Choose how many times each customer can earn points for completing this action (1, 7, 30, 365 days or lifetime).
  • You may also choose to give extra points for reviews with photos

There are three types of available Discounts

If you choose Discounts as a rewarding type, you'll see the following 3 options:

1. Fixed amount discount goes as a dollar off. You can put any amount you wish and the customer will get this "money" for doing the earning action.

2. Percentage discount works as a usual discount. Just the specified percentage is off from the customers' total order cost for doing the earning action.

3. The way Free shipping works, I guess, is obvious :) There is nothing to specify, the customer will get the discount code that can be used at the checkout page.

Also, you can "Give extra points for reviews with photos" but only in the Points rewarding type. If a customer leaves a review with a photo, he/she will get as many extra points as you set up in your Admin panel.

NOTE: In case the auto-publish option for reviews is off, then the reward will be given only after the review is published.

Please note that rewards will not be issued for leaving reviews on products that are excluded from the Reward Program. Please reach more information about excluding product (or members) here - How to exclude customers or products from the Rewards programs.

Hope it was helpful and informative! As always, you can contact us at to ask any questions you might have! 🤗