Importing Reviews and Q&A into Growave

If you’re considering using Growave’s Reviews feature and would like to transfer your data from another app within Shopify, this guide will help you import your reviews and Q&A seamlessly.

Steps to import Reviews and Q&A into Growave

Step 1: Access the import feature

In Growave admin go to Import/ExportReviews.

Step 2: Prepare and upload your CSV File

Download Growave's sample file:

Add your data, save a file in CSV format, and upload it.

Growave -Reviews - Import

NOTE: The safest method is to import Growave's sample CSV file into Google Sheets (or make copies from Google Sheets via the links above) and add your data, ensuring it matches the relevant columns. The order of the columns does not matter, but it is crucial to align your existing data from the other app with the correct column headings specified in the Growave template.

When you’re ready to save the file, go to FileDownloadComma Separated Values (.csv) to ensure it is in the correct format for import:

Required and optional parameters for Review imports:

Header name Review information Requirement
customer_email Customer's email address Required
customer_name Name of the reviewer (default: Anonymous) Optional
product_id Unique identifier of the product* Required
product_handle Product handle (URL identifier)** Required
body Content (text) of the review Required
rating Numerical rating from 1 to 5 (an error will occur if the value is out of this range) Required
created_at Date of review in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format (default: current date and time) Optional
verified_purchase Indicates if the review is from a verified buyer Optional
published Indicates if the review is published (1 = published, 0 = unpublished, if no value is added, the review will be unpublished by default) Optional
title Title of the review Optional
reply Text content of the reply Optional
replied_at Date of reply in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format (default: current date and time) Optional
images Links to review images (max 5 images, separated by commas, up to 10 MB in total, links must return a 200 (OK) response.) Optional

* See how to find the product ID and handle below

** Validation passes successfully if either product_id or product_handle is added and correct. If neither product_id nor product_handle is indicated, the review will be added as the shop review and won't be associated with any products.

NOTE: If the import file includes emails that do not exist in the shop's customer database, Growave creates new customer entries in its own database and displays associated reviews. However, these entries will not appear in Growave's Customers section until users log in with the specified email. Once the user logs in with this email, a customer account created in Shopify is automatically associated with the previously imported review data.

Required and optional parameters for Q&A imports:

Header Name Field Description Requirement
customer_email Email address of the customer who asked the question Required
question Text of the customer's question Required
product_id Unique identifier of the product * Required
product_handle Product handle (URL identifier) * Required
date Date the question was submitted (format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS, default: current date and time) Optional
replier_email Email address of the person who replied to the question Optional
reply Text of the reply to the question Optional
replied_at Date the reply was submitted (format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS, default: current date and time) Optional
status Publication status of the question (1= published, 0 = unpublished, if no value is added, the question will be unpublished by default)) Optional

* Validation passes successfully if either product_id or product_handle is added and correct.

Step 3: Select the import type

Choose whether you’re importing Reviews or Questions & Answers → click Next.

Growave -Reviews - Import choose type

NOTE: To reward customers for imported reviews, select the Reward customers for imported reviews checkbox before importing. If the review status is set to Published in the import file and the Leave a review reward rule is active, customers will be rewarded upon import. Otherwise, rewards will be issued only when the imported reviews are published. If the checkbox is inactive before import, customers won't be rewarded for imported reviews in any case.

Step 4: Validation process

Once you upload a CSV file, Growave validates the data to ensure it meets the required parameters. After the validation is successful, click Start import to proceed.

Growave - Reviews - Start Import  after validation


  • Ensure the header names in your CSV file match Growave's required format (e.g., customer_email , product_id ).
  • If your file contains both valid and invalid records, you can choose to continue and import only the valid ones. Alternatively, download the validation report, correct the errors, and upload a new file.
  • During validation, errors are flagged, and invalid records are listed in a detailed report. Each invalid entry includes a note in the new "Reason" column explaining why it was rejected.

Growave -Reviews - Import - validation report

Step 5: Complete the import

Once validation is complete, finalize the import process. You will receive a report summarizing imported and skipped records.

Import history

The admin panel maintains an import history details, including:

  • Date and time of import
  • Number of successfully imported, skipped, or invalid items
  • Import type (Reviews or Q&A)

Available action:

Revert import — click to roll back the import and undo changes.

Growave -Reviews - Import history

How to find product details

Product ID

In Shopify admin, go to Products → select the product → the product ID is the number after "products/ " at the end of the URL:

Shopify product ID

Product handle

Visit the live product page on your shop → the product handle is the text after "products/ " at the end of the URL:

Shopify product handle

Common issues during import

Validation errors

  • Missing required fields such as customer_emailbody, or rating.
  • Incorrect product ID or handle (a product with such ID or handle does not exist in the shop database).
  • Numerical ratings (value is outside the range of 1 to 5).
  • Incorrect image links.
  • Total size of the imported images exceeds 10 MB. 

File size and formatting issues

  • Ensure the CSV file adheres to the required format.
  • Verify the file size does not exceed the 10 MB limit.

If you encounter any issues during the import process, contact our support team at or via the chat icon in the bottom-right corner. We're here to help! 🤗