How to monitor and manage referral program abuse

Ensuring the integrity of your Referral program is crucial. Monitoring for and managing abuse helps maintain fairness and trust. This guide explains how to detect and handle potential abuse within your referral system.

Monitor for abuse

In the Growave admin panel, go to RewardsSettingsFraud detection. Here you can set the email addresses to receive updates about users who might have attempted to manipulate the Referral program. Any potentially fraudulent behavior will be communicated to the email addresses provided:

Growave Referral program - Referral settings - Fraud detection

Notifications about suspicious activity in the Referral program will include information on users who attempted to abuse the program and the nature of the abuse. This information is critical for deciding whether to fulfill an order or take corrective actions.

Scenarios for suspicious activity:

  • The Referring customer places the order using their referral link.
  • The Referred friend has the same initials as the Referring customer.
  • The Referred friend uses the same shipping address as the Referring customer.

Handling suspicious activity

When suspicious activity is detected:

  • You will receive an email notification detailing the suspicious behavior.
  • The Reports section under Rewards → Referrals will display all instances of suspicious activity.

Growave Referral program - Referral Fraud Reports

NOTE: The Referred friend will still receive their discount even if fraudulent activity is suspected. Growave only reports such occurrences to you so you can take action individually. You may decide whether to fulfill this customer's order or not.

  • Growave will block the reward for the Referring customer. From the Reports section, you can choose to:
    • Cancel reward for the Referring customer.
    • Approve reward, in this case, an email with the reward will be sent to the Referring customer.
    • Exclude from referral program — disqualify the Referring customer from further participation.

Growave referral program reports

If you need further assistance or have any questions, please contact us at or use the chat icon in the bottom-right corner. We're here to help you maximize your Growave experience!