How to use custom domain for your referral links

Growave allows you to use your own custom domain for the Referral Program instead of the default referral link. The default link typically looks like this:

You can change this to a custom domain to better match your branding. To do so, you need to create a DNS record and add a custom domain in the Referral Program.

NOTE: Custom domains for referral links are available on Growth, Plus, and Custom plans.

Use new domain

Since your main domain (for example, is already linked to Shopify account, you will not be able to use it for setting up a custom domain for the Referral Program. Instead, you can use another domain or create a special subdomain (for example, or

Create a DNS Record

  • Log in to your domain registrar's or DNS provider’s account.
  • Navigate to the DNS management section.
  • If an existing CNAME record is available, you can edit it or create a new one.
  • Enter the following details to your CNAME record:
    • Host:
      • If you are using a subdomain (e.g., referral or ref), enter the chosen subdomain here.
      • If you are using a custom domain (e.g.,, leave the "Host" field empty. If the editor does not allow you to leave the field empty, enter "@".
    • Type: CNAME
    • Points To (Target): this is the canonical name for the alias, used for single-level redirection).
    • TTL: Can be set to any value (usually, the default value is fine).


If you see an error message saying "Referral link expired" when visiting your custom domain directly, for example, it means your CNAME record is set up correctly. This message appears because the domain alone doesn’t have a specific referral link to show.

Add custom domain to your Referal Program

To apply the custom domain to the referral links of new users, go to the Referral Program settings in the Growave admin panel and add your custom domain the relevatn field:

Custom domain for referral program

NOTE: Once you update your Referral Program's settings, it may take a little time for existing referral links from old customers to reflect the changes. This is because the update requires a custom job to be launched on our end. Rest assured, the process is being handled and will be updated soon.

If you have any questions or need assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at or click the chat icon in the bottom-right corner.