How to exclude customers or products from the Rewards programs

If you wouldn't like some of your products or members to earn points or take part in the Rewards programs due to certain reasons or you intend to focus the programs specifically for some users or products, our platform can easily help with these tasks.

How to exclude customers or products

First of all, let's open Rewards settings where you can find customers and product eligibility:

The first one goes for allowing/forbidding customers with the tags. You may choose which members won't be eligible to take part in the Rewards programs or allow only these users in the programs.

Example: If you activate Customer Eligibility with the option "Forbid customers to use rewards with tags listed below," customers possessing the tag specified in your Shopify Admin will be excluded from accessing the Rewards program. They will encounter the following warnings:

NOTE: If there are some allowing or forbidding options, not logged-in users (guests) will not be able to see the Reward tab.

The second option goes for allowing/forbidding products with tags. If there are some products to which you wouldn't like to give out points for purchasing, you may simply specify the product tag in the forbidding option. Please note that it doesn't apply to the discount codes.

Some of you might be interested in tags. So, how you can assign tags to the products or customers? You can add a tag when you create or edit products, transfers, customers, blog posts, orders, or draft orders.

Steps to create a tag:

  1. Open the specific product, transfer, customer, blog post, order, or draft order details page in Shopify.
  2. In the Tags section, enter the name of a tag you want to add or select it from the list of existing tags. If you enter the name for a new tag, then it will automatically be created for future use in the section.
  3. Click Save.

P.S. This Shopify guide might be very helpful 😊.

Once you create the tag in the Shopify Admin, please go back to the Growave settings -> Add the tag -> Click on 'Enter' -> Save changes

Important conditions

1st condition - If both the "Products eligibility" and "Customers eligibility" are enabled:

1.1. Settings "Allow to use rewards with tags listed below" and "Allow products with tag listed below to participate in rewards" are enabled.

If both the "Products eligibility" and "Customers eligibility" are enabled, then they will be considered simultaneously. That means the tags should be included in both Customer and Product eligibility settings.


  • User has a Customer eligibility tag + buys a product with a Product eligibility tag = receives a reward
  • User has a Customer eligibility tag BUT buys a product without the tag or with a different tag = DOES NOT get the reward
  • User does NOT have a Customer eligibility tag, but buys a product with a Product eligibility tag = does not get the reward

1.2. Settings "Allow to use rewards with tags listed below" and "Forbid products with tag listed below to participate in rewards" are enabled.

In this case, users who have the specified tag in Customer eligibility, but buy the product WITHOUT the specified tag in Product eligibility (as it's forbidden), get the reward.

1.3. Settings "Forbid to use rewards with tags listed below" and "Allow products with tag listed below to participate in rewards" are enabled.

In the following case, all those users who do NOT have a tag listed in Customer eligibility will participate in the Rewards Program. To get the reward, these users will have to buy the product with the tag specified in Product eligibility.

1.4. Settings "Forbid to use rewards with tags listed below" and "Forbid products with tag listed below to participate in rewards" are enabled.

In this case, if a user has a Customer eligibility tag, but for example, takes a product without a tag, NO reward is given. If a user purchases a product with a Product eligibility tag, there's NO reward given as well.

NOTE: If the shop owner enables both Customer eligibility & Product eligibility, but doesn't add a tag to one or both of them, i.e. leaves an empty value, our system won't let save the changes. The validation error will be displayed.

2nd condition - If the tags for "Customer eligibility" or "Product eligibility" are included separately:

Then each condition will be considered separately, and the reward will be given for a certain enabled eligibility setting.


  • If only Customer eligibility is enabled, then the reward will be given or excluded from the Reward Program only to those users who have the Customer eligibility tag.
  • If only Product eligibility is enabled, then the reward will be given or excluded from the reward program to those users who purchased a product with the Product eligibility tag.

You can see if a certain customer is excluded from the Rewards program by checking the profile:

That's it! Hope the given information was helpful for your purposes. Feel free to reach out to us at or by chat icon in the bottom-right corner, if you have any questions or need help.