How to exclude customers or products from the Rewards programs

If you want to exclude certain products from earning points or prevent specific customers from participating in the Rewards programs, Growave provides the flexibility to manage these preferences. This can be useful if you want to target rewards specifically for certain users or products while excluding others.

Eligibility settings

In the Growave admin panel, go to RewardsSettingsEligibility Configuration. Here you can choose to include certain customers and/or products in the Rewards Program or exclude them from participation using tags:

Customer and product tags

Before enabling these settings, you need to create relevant tags for customers and products.

  1. Open the specific product, transfer, customer, blog post, order, or draft order details page in Shopify.
  2. In the Tags section, enter the name of a tag you want to add or select it from the list of existing tags. If you enter the name for a new tag, it will automatically be created for future use in the section.
  3. Click Save.

Once you create the tag in the Shopify Admin, you are ready to use it in the Growave Eligibility Configuration section.

NOTE: Follow this Shopify guide on using tags for more details.

Customer eligibility

Select the first checkbox to open Customer eligibility settings. Here you can add tags to allow or forbid certain customers to participate in the Rewards Program:

Use the tags created in Shopify admin for customers and enter them into the relevant field to enable customers with listed tags to participate in the Rewards program or exclude them from participation.

NOTE: If either the allowing or forbidding option is enabled in the Customer Eligibility section, not logged-in users (guests) will not see the Reward widget.

Product eligibility

Select the second checkbox to open Product eligibility settings. Here you can add tags to allow or forbid certain products from participating in the Rewards Program:

NOTE: If you exclude products from the Rewards Program, customers will still be able to apply discount codes to them.

Scenario options

Scenario 1

If both the "Products eligibility" and "Customers eligibility" checkboxes are selected, and:

1.1 Radio buttons "Enable customers with listed tags to participate in Rewards program" and "Products with listed tags are eligible for earning rewards and points" are enabled.

Then these options will be considered simultaneously as in the following examples:


  • A user has a Customer eligibility tag and buys a product with a Product eligibility tag = receives a reward.
  • A user has a Customer eligibility tag but buys a product without a tag or with a different tag = does not get the reward.
  • A user does not have a Customer eligibility tag but buys a product with a Product eligibility tag = does not get the reward.

1.2. Radio buttons "Enable customers with listed tags to participate in Rewards program" and "Forbid products with the listed tags from receiving rewards and points" are enabled.

In this case, users who have the specified tag in Customer eligibility but buy a product without the tag specified in Product eligibility (as products with tags are forbidden here) will still receive the reward.

1.3. Radio buttons "Forbid customers with listed tags to participate in Rewards program" and "Products with listed tags are eligible for earning rewards and points" are enabled.

In this case, all users who do not have a tag listed in Customer eligibility will participate in the Rewards Program. To get the reward, these users will have to buy the product with the tag specified in the Product eligibility section.

1.4. Radio buttons "Forbid customers with listed tags to participate in Rewards program" and "Forbid products with the listed tags from receiving rewards and points" are enabled.

In this case, any user who has the Customer eligibility tag or buys a product with the Product eligibility tag will not receive a reward. Any user who doesn't have a Customer eligibility tag and buys a product forbidden with a Product eligibility tag will not receive a reward as well.

That is, in this last scenario, rewards will be given only to users without tags and for products without tags if such purchases meet Earn Points rules set under the Rewards Program.

NOTE: If you select both Customer eligibility and Product eligibility checkboxes but don't add a tag to one or both of them, Growave won't save the changes and you will see a validation error:

Scenario 2

If "Customer eligibility" or "Product eligibility" are enabled separately, each condition will be considered on its own. The reward will be given based on the specific enabled eligibility setting.


  • If only Customer eligibility is enabled:
    • Customers with tags, included in the Rewards Program, will receive rewards for relevant actions, or
    • Customers with tags, excluded from the Reward Program, won't receive any rewards.
  • If only Product eligibility is enabled:
    • Customers will receive rewards only for buying products with tags, included in the Rewards Program, or
    • Customers will not receive rewards for buying products with tags excluded from the Rewards Program.

NOTE: You can see if a certain customer is excluded from the Rewards program by checking their profile. In the Growave admin panel, go to Customers and click the customer name:

Growave customer profile

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