Free shipping

Let your customers redeem a 'Free Shipping' discount for earned points for on-site actions.

1) Add "Free shipping" as a Reward in the Earning points section. To do that please go to the Rewards → Points → Add ways to earn → click on "Add new" and choose the rule:

2) Select "Discount" as a Rewarding type. After that in the "Discount Type" choose "Free shipping":

3) Also, you may find this feature in the Spending points section of the Rewards app when clicking on the "Add ways to spend" button:

4) Select Free shipping option among available spending rules, you may enter the name of the discount and its price in points value:

5) Then you can configure more detailed settings of this discount:

This discount requires a minimum purchase

You can make a minimum limit on the order's price to use this discount to keep your business. Please enter a minimum amount of the order's price into the appropriate field to enable it.

Set Maximum Allowable Shipping Rate 

The Maximum Allowable Shipping Rate field sets a limit on the shipping amount. If the shipping cost exceeds the amount entered in this field, the Free shipping won't be applied. 

For example, if you input 100 but the shipping cost is 120, the discount won't be applied. 

This serves as a safeguard preventing from absorbing the cost of expensive shipping and avoiding potential losses. 

Exclude shipping rates over a certain amount

This setting allows you to exclude (do not apply a 'free shipping' discount) when the order's shipping rate exceeds the setup amount. Let's see how to configure this option.

  1. Please go to Shopify Admin's Shipping and Delivery settings > click on 'Manage rates' and adjust the rates for shipping there.
  2. Then go to the Growave admin panel and set up a 'Free Shipping' discount. In the 'Exclude shipping rates over a certain amount' field enter the price of the shipping rate over which this discount will not be applicable.

Here is how it looks at checkout:

Available only to users with tags

Allows you to determine which customers are eligible for a discount, they will not see it as an available discount to redeem. To enable this option, add tags of customers to whom this discount is available.

NOTE: These tags must also be entered in the Customers' profile in Shopify admin.


Another setting you can use is the limitation of the eligibility by the customer's country. Choose either 'all countries' or limit by countries. If you would like to enable the discount only for certain customers/countries first check the Settings of shipping in Shopify. Go to Settings > Shipping and delivery > Manage rates > scroll till the 'Rest of World' > click on 'edit zone' and select countries.

The following video might be helpful:

After that go to 'Free shipping' discount settings, choose 'Selected countries', and type the countries:

Set discount lifetime. Enter the number of days after which the discount will become invalid (1, 7, 30, 365 days or lifetime). If you don't want to set up a deadline, then leave it empty.

Please feel free to contact us at or by chat icon in the bottom-right corner, if you have any questions. We'd love to help!