Explore Wishlist notifications

Wishlist notifications are available on Growth, Plus, and Custom plans.

If customers add certain products to their wishlists, it means they are interested in them. You can use it to convert wishlists into sales by sending a series of personalized emails based on customers' favorite products. All the Wishlist Reminders can be found in the Wishlist App → Notifications:

Types of Wishlist reminders:

1 . Something you like is back in stock! We will send this email when the product, that was initially sold out but still was added to the customer's wishlist, is back in stock.

If a customer has two products in their wishlist that are out of stock, and both products come back in stock:

  • With less than a 10-minute difference, the customer will receive an email with multiple products in one message;
  • With more than a 10-minute difference, the customer will receive only one email notification for one product.

This email notification logic is designed to prevent spamming customers with multiple notifications.

NOTE: For a back-in-stock notification to be sent, the inventory needs to be restocked with a minimum of 5 products.

2. Something you like is on sale! We will send emails when an item that was not originally discounted goes on sale.

3. Your loved items are waiting for you! (they help to reduce wishlist abandonment).

There are three wishlist reminders where you can set the time duration in the 'Settings' section:

The «Your favorite items are waiting for you» email is sent to guests only (users without an account in your store). Once the guest adds the product to the Wishlist and continues browsing through your site, the «Save my Wishlist» pop-up appears. They can leave their email address to save their wishlist and receive the email. Also, to get other Wishlist reminders, guests have to subscribe to your Newsletter.

NOTE: For guests to add a product to the Wishlist, the «Require guests to login to access wishlist» feature in the Wishlist setting should be disabled.

As it's been mentioned before, these emails allow you to politely remind customers about their favorite items so they come back and make repeated purchases.

Follow several simple steps to configure them:

1. Go to the Notification Center section in the Growave app dashboard and activate the needed campaign: 

2. After activation, you only need to configure emails and add your banner image. Change the subject, update content, and the button name:

As for the colors in emails, you can edit them in the section of Branding -> Email:

That's it! Now the product will automatically send e-mail notifications. 

Here, we would like to mention that e-mails are sent only once for certain periods in order not to bother customers. Even if the customers have items from several campaigns, our platform checks them and sends the e-mail at an appropriate time.

If this article inspires any questions, please feel free to contact us at support@growave.io or via the chat icon in the bottom-right corner. We'd love to hear from you!