Wishlist boards

Wishlist boards are a unique feature that allows your customers and guests to create thematic lists for special events or occasions, where they can save their favorite items. Users can edit their boards, add, move, and delete items, and share their wishlists on social media. There is no limit to how many boards they can create.

Here's how Wishlist boards appear in the Wishlist widget on your site:

Wishlist boards or lists in Growave

  • Users can create new boards, edit board names, and share or delete boards.
  • Products can be moved between boards or deleted.
  • When moving a product, users can select which board to move it to.

Guest Wishlist settings

Require guests to provide email addresses

  • When this setting is enabled, guests will be prompted to enter their email address or sign up when they try to create wishlists or add items to them.
  • If disabled, guests can freely add items, create wishlist boards, and share their wishlists without needing to sign up. However, a "Save my wishlist" link will appear in the Wishlist widget. Clicking the link triggers a pop-up asking guests to provide their email address or sign up to save their wishlist. Once they enter their email, they will receive an email notification with a link to their wishlist, allowing them to access it later and continue shopping.

Require guests to provide email address to access Wishlist

These settings provide flexibility in how you manage guest interactions and help encourage user registration while maintaining a seamless shopping experience.

If you have any questions or face issues, feel free to contact us at support@growave.io or use the chat icon in the bottom-right corner. We're here to help! 🤗