Earning Reward Points for Custom Items

Custom items can be used by merchants to represent additional costs or products that aren't displayed in inventory. They provide tailored options for customers, allowing them to personalize their purchases according to their preferences. Store owners can add these custom items to their inventory, providing customers with a wide range of choices to suit their individual needs. Custom items can be seamlessly added to Shopify draft orders and Shopify POS.

When you need to create an order on behalf of a customer, you can create a draft order in your Shopify admin. When setting up a draft order and incorporating custom items, customers can still earn rewards points for their purchases. Here is how you can add custom items:

Go to Orders section in your Shopify admin panel -> choose Drafts -> Create draft order -> click on Add custom item

Customers can earn reward points for custom items under the following conditions:

  1. Product Eligibility Disabled: If product eligibility for the custom item is disabled, customers will receive reward points for their purchase.
  2. Product Eligibility Enabled with Exclusion: In cases where product eligibility is enabled but set to exclude certain tags, customers still receive points. This is because we consider lite items to lack the excluded tags from the reward program.

However, if product eligibility is enabled but set to include specific tags, customers do not receive points. In this scenario, we consider lite items to lack the tags included in the reward program.

By understanding these conditions, customers can ensure they receive reward points for their custom item purchases, enhancing their shopping experience and providing added value to their orders. For more information or to explore custom items and draft orders, please check out this article.

If you have any questions regarding the rewards program and how to earn points, please feel free to contact us at support@growave.io or via the chat icon in the right bottom corner.